Much more than a trend
Sustainability is the industry's topic of the future

New approaches, reuse and sustainable materials
In our industry, sustainability is one of the key issues of the future. On the one hand, many companies have a strong self-drive to improve their climate footprint. On the other hand, the industry is also driven by increasing requirements from customers.
However, some suppliers in our industry are already much further ahead than many of our customers. For example, the range of sustainable materials has been increasing for several years, e.g. water-soluble paints and coatings, certified woods, intelligent system materials, and much more. This has already led to a significant reduction in CO2 emissions.
Likewise, the reuse of materials is now mandatory. Only what is really no longer usable is disposed of. And even then, the first step is to look for buyers who can give furniture a second or third life (for example Trash Galore).
Cradle to cradle approaches (meaning: thinking in cycles) are also increasingly discussed. Here, however, there is an open question: How does one manage, despite the obligation to reuse materials, to still present oneself sufficiently creatively, individually, and distinct from the competition?