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Airport Frankfurt A 380 Hangar, Frankfurt


Lufthansa Group, Airline


25,000 sqm equipment and decoration construction/set construction, "Explore the New" - presentation of the new corporate identity

The task

On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Lufthansa crane, the Lufthansa Group redesigned its corporate identity. For the presentation of the new image, 3,000 guests in Frankfurt and Munich experienced a brilliant production under the motto “Explore the New”.

The Artlife solution

The venue for the event in Frankfurt was the 25,000 sqm A 380 hangar. Artlife’s task was to create the structural prerequisites for the brand staging. For the setting, the Hofheim event construction experts adapted the venue according to the requirements and supplied customized special structures.

Your contact:
Verena Finke-Totzek

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